The prophecy must witness with the person
When interpreting prophecy for another it is important that the meaning must witness with the person it is meant for. Quite often God will use symbols which over time develop a special meaning for us; Gideon, for example, had a grain thing going on with God!
He met the Angel of the Lord while he was hiding doing women’s work threshing wheat in a wine press. He asked the angel to stay until he had sacrificed to God an ephah (22 litres) of wheat flour made up into unleavened cakes (and a kid and later a bull) – this was a costly thing to do when all Israel was going hungry.
Gideon’s opinion of himself was that his clan was the weakest in Manasseh, and that he was the least in his family.
According to 2 Kings 7:1 wheat is sold for twice the price of barley. It also makes a much better loaf of bread. A barley loaf is very heavy and dense bread.
Gideon crept up to the Midianite camp (Judges 7:13) and overheard a man telling his dream about a barley loaf rolling into the camp and knocking the tent flat. He claimed this barley loaf was Gideon! Gideon easily identified himself as this rough loaf, which, if not fit for a king, was good for knocking down tents! If the picture had been of a wheat loaf made with fine flour he may not have accepted the revelation, as he would have had difficulty relating to it. Because the picture fitted Gideon had the confidence to act upon it, and a great victory was won.

Which artist does this remind you of?
The final responsibility for the interpretation of the word comes down to the recipient.
In the passage of Acts 21 when the people around Paul heard that he would be bound and delivered over into the hands of the Gentiles, if he goes up to Jerusalem, a pandemonium breaks out!
“When we heard this, we as well as the local residents began begging him not to go up to Jerusalem.” Acts 21:12
They perceived the situation as a threat to Paul’s freedom which was surely paramount in the situation? Paul, while listening to their advice, sees it in another way.
“Then Paul answered, ‘What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”’ Acts 21:13
The crowd around him, even though they all seemed to disagree with him, acknowledged his right as the recipient of the word to interpret it in the way that God seemed to be speaking to him about it.
“And since he would not be persuaded, we fell silent, remarking, ‘The will of the Lord be done!’” Acts 21:13-14
1. Introduction.
2. God is the only one who can interpret.
3. Bible is the best source.
4. Circumstances and knowledge can help.
5. Don't jump to conclusions.
6. Art or science? It'is only in part.
7. Ask for more.
8. Remembrance of the past can help.
9. How to interpret symbols correctly.
10. The importance of context
11. Don't add or subtract.
12. All prophecy must witness.
13. What if the opposite happens.
14. Dream interpretation.
15. Preparing to bring a prophecy.
16. How to bring a prophetic word.
17. Judging prophecy.
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