Media messages.


Dream interpretation part 1

This message contains the background principles on how to interpret.

Dream interpretation part 2

For those familiar with the priniciples of interpretation - 4 simple yet very effective steps to dream interpretation.

Going for gold in the Kingdom of God

How to be a gold medal winner in God's kingdom using our true identity in Christ to rule and reign for Him.

Living a fruitful life

A message based on John 15. It discusses the pitfalls of self pruining. How God's pruining shapes and builds a fruitful life having a positive not negative effect. It finishes with a prophetic picture of the end time church.


This message explores God's "Agape" love for us, and how we still have this love within. The place of the heart as the body's second brain in living in love. How the "Phileo" friendship love builds bridges with God which bears much fruit, enables us to see what the Father is seeing, and to do His works.

Overcoming fear

A message on the life of Gideon on being an overcomer - no fear. Fear is one of the greatest problems that the believer will have to overcome in the end days. This is a practical demonstration of how Gideon overcame fear using supernatural means and opens the way to do the same.

Psalm 22

The cross of Christ. A study in the final hours of the life of Jesus showing the spiritual, mental and physical pressures that he went through for us. It finishes with how to live in victory the right side of the cross.

Receiving through the Bible

How to read the Bible and bring the word of God to life in our lives, in order to change us and those around us.

Sowing and reaping

How to sow effectively into peoples lives. How to know when it is the right time to reap a harvest. The coming harvest at the end of the age and the feast of tabernacles and going on a treasure hunt for souls.

Speaking in Tongues

A message explaining what speaking in tongues is about and how it restores our spirit, soul and body back to it's normal function.


The battle for the mind - how to overcome in your thought life

A message on how to fight and overcome - not warring according to the flesh but through our thought life. How the heart regulates our thought life. The negative effect that stress can have on our thoughts and health and how to overcome this.

The word of knowledge

A message on John 4 - the woman at the well. It looks at how Jesus received his word of knowledge for her. It looks at the natural clues that he received as well as how he received the supernatural part (the 5 husbands that she had). It finishes using the word of knowledge in a workshop for healing.


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